Strengthening organizational tourism management and marketing in Mount Cameroon National Park
Country: Cameroon
Financial assistance project implemented by GFA Consulting Group
Funding: KfW Entwicklungsbank
Duration: 02/2024 - ongoing
Role: International ecotourism expert
This assignment focuses on strengthening internal organization and management of tourism in the Mount Cameroon national park, as well as on improving external marketing, communication and visibility, notably for private tour operators.
Technical assistance to promote recovery of the tourism activity in the aftermath of the lockdown, regaining consumer confidence and building resilience in the tourism sector in the Republic of Maldives
Country: Maldives
Technical assistance project implemented by Reformatics LLC
Funding: JICA / UNWTO
Duration: 11/2021 - 01/2023
Role: International expert for statistics and measurement in tourism
The aim of this international donor-funded project is to assess the current impacts of COVID-19 on tourism in the Maldives, develop recommendations for improved monitoring, and for building a more resilient and sustainable tourism system.
Update of the Wadden Sea Quality Status Report on Tourism
Countries: Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands
Funding: Common Wadden Sea Secretariat
Duration: 08/2021 - 07/2022
Role: co-author (assessment of the current status of tourism in the German part of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Region)
Quality Status Reports on various topics periodically assess the current status of the Wadden Sea UNESCO World Heritage Site, identifying changes, issues of concern, and opportunities for sustainable development.
The following consulting assignments were carried out as permanent staff member of GFA Consulting Group:
Transboundary biosphere reserve Prespa: economic impact assessment of tourism in the Prespa national park
Country: Albania
Funding: KfW Entwicklungsbank
Duration: 08/2019 - 03/2020
Role: International expert for tourism and regional development
This study assessed economic impacts of tourism for the local economy based on visitor survey data and input-output modeling. The aim was to gain insights into existing visitor numbers, structures and expenditures, as well as to determine tourism's economic significance as an ecosystem service.
Development of a tourism strategy for the Kundelungu-Upemba National Parks
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Funding: KfW Entwicklungsbank
Duration: 03/2018 - 03/2019
Role: International expert for sustainable tourism development
During this assignment, a tourism strategy for the Upemba-Kundelungu National Park Complex was developed. The strategy was based on an extensive fieldwork to identify and evaluate potential attractions, stakeholder mappings, interviews with key actors, and desk research. It focused on recommendations for organic growth, infrastructure and product development, marketing, and concession models.
Economic impact assessment of tourism in Georgian protected areas
Country: Georgia
Funding: KfW Entwicklungsbank
Duration: 08/2017 - 03/2018
Role: International expert for tourism and protected area finance
This study assessed the economic significance of tourism as ecosystem service in four protected areas in Georgia. Activities included demand-side surveys on visitor structures and expenditures, and the caclucation of economic impacts based on regionalized input-output models. The aims were, inter alia, to support Georgia's Agency of Protected Areas and the Ministry of Environment with sound data on the economic value of nature conservation, and to establish benchmarks for future monitoring.
Updated 03/2024