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Mayer, M., Brenner, L., Schauss, B., Stadler, C., Arnegger, J., & Job, H. (2018). The nexus between governance and the economic impact of whale-watching. The case of the coastal lagoons in the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, Baja California, Mexico. Ocean & Coastal Management 162, 46-59. doi: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.04.016
Herz, M., Arnegger, J., & Mayer, M. (2018). How Stable is Event-Related Country-Image Change?. In Forum Markenforschung 2016 (pp. 141-157). Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-19668-4_8
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Brenner, L., Schauss, B., Stadler, C., Mayer, M., Arnegger, J., Job, H. (2016). Ökonomische Effekte der Walbeobachtung im Biosphärenreservat El Vizcaíno (Baja California/Mexiko). In: Mayer, M., Job, H. (Hrsg.): Naturtourismus: Chancen und Herausforderungen (137-149). Mannheim: MetaGIS
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Mayer, M., Müller, M., Woltering, M., Arnegger, J., & Job, H. (2010). The Economic Impact of Tourism in six German National Parks. Landscape and Urban Planning, 97(2), 73-82. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.04.013
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Arnegger, J. & Wollesen, A. (2021). Fluch und Segen: ökologische Auswirkungen des Tourismus. In: Eilzer, C., Eisenstein, B., Kampen, J., Reif, J. & Weis, R. (eds.): Tourismusatlas Deutschland. 2nd edition. Konstanz/Munich: UVK
Arnegger, J. & Wollesen, A. (2021). Nachhaltiger Tourismus: raus aus den Nischenmärkten. In: Eilzer, C., Eisenstein, B., Kampen, J., Reif, J. & Weis, R. (eds.): Tourismusatlas Deutschland. 2nd edition. Konstanz/Munich: UVK
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Arnegger, J. (2012). Medición de los Impactos Económicos del Turismo en Áreas Naturales Protegidas: Ejemplo del Parque Nacional Souss-Massa/Marruecos. In: R. Rosales Ortega, L. Brenner & C. Mendoza (Eds.), Geografía Económica y Social: Actores, Instituciones y Procesos Globales. (256-280). Mexico City: Siglo XXI.
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Arnegger, J., Job, H., Botha, N., & Kimario, F. (2021). Park-Tourism-Wildlife relations in sub-Saharan Africa: Historical development and outlook from a social-ecological systems perspective. Presentation at the AKTF annual meeting 2021, Berlin, 28.-29.10.2021
Arnegger, J., Herz, M., & Campbell, M. (2021). Media representation of nature, mass ecotourism, and the visitor experience. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Lillehammer, Norway (virtual conference), 16.-19.08.2021.
Arnegger, J., Eisenstein, B., Job, H., & Woltering, M. (2021). Protected area labels as brands in tourism: insights from Germany. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, Lillehammer, Norway (virtual conference), 16.-19.08.2021.
Arnegger, J., Herz, M., & Mayer, M. (2018). Destination image, reputation, and tourism competitiveness – the case of Azerbaijan. Presentation at DGT annual conference in Heide/Sankt Peter-Ording, 08.-11.11.2018
Arnegger, J., Schaaff, C., Gokhelashvili, R. (2016). Supporting Georgia’s Protected Areas: Linking Conservation and Local Development. In D. A. Vasiljevic (Ed.), Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV 8 - Proceedings, 61–63). Novi Sad, Serbia: University of Novi Sad | Faculty of Sciences Dept. Of Geography, Tourism and Hotel management.
Arnegger, J., Dieterich, T., & Rodina, V. (2014). Local awareness, acceptance and tourism development: challenges and opportunities for protected area management in post-Soviet countries – the Samur-Yalama National Park, Azerbaijan. In: M. Reimann et al. (eds.), Local Community and Outdoor Recreation: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (148-150). Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool.
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Arnegger, J. (2010). Economic Effects of Tourism in the Souss-Massa National Park, Morocco. In M. Goossen et al. (Eds.), Recreation, Tourism and Nature in a Changing World. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. (238-240). Wageningen: Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre.
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Job, H., Arnegger, J. & Woltering, M. (2009). Ex-ante Evaluation der regionalökonomischen Wirkungen der Einrichtung eines Nationalparks in der Region Lieberose (= final report, research project). Würzburg.
Arnegger, J., Hartmann, T., Job, H. & Woltering, M. (2008). Nature-Tourism Nexus Revisited. A New Classification for Nature Tourism. In Proceedings of New Zealand Tourism & Hospitality Research Conference 2008. Hanmer Springs, NZ.
Reviewer for Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Tourism Management, Natural Resources Forum, Current Issues in Tourism, Sustainability, Water, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, Polar Research